Corporate Services

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Marshal Corporate services


In recent years, the Republic of the Marshall Islands has managed to achieve economic stability and low taxes have made the state one of the most popular offshore zones. Thus, a Marshall Islands company is a very popular and common option to optimize taxation today. Company registration in Marshall Islands is fast and quite simple. Registration fees are low, and the availability of fees for extending the business of the Marshall Islands is also affordable. It is however worth noting that the new requirements relating to economic substance requirements oblige companies to operate on the territory of the Islands. Also, the company should employ a sufficient number of adequately trained and qualified personnel who are physically located in the Marshall Islands.

    Key Benefits of Offshore Company Registration in Marshall Islands

  1. No exchange controls on foreign transactions
  2. No requirement to file annual account or tax return
  3. No corporate tax, asset tax, stamp duty for non-resident entities
  4. No WHT on dividends, interest, or royalties made by non-resident entities
  5. No public records of directors, shareholders unless otherwise requested
  6. Offshore company in the Marshall Islands is demanded to keep and maintain accounting record and registered of directors, shareholders, and B/O
  7. Best suited for business ventures, IP holding, asset management, IPO, tax and estate planning, and vessel/yacht ownership

    Forms Of Doing Business In The Marshall Islands

    The most optimal form for investors is the International Business Company (IBC). The registration requirements are:

  1. Director: Minimum of one Director.
  2. Shareholder: Minimum of one Shareholder.
  3. Secretary: A Corporate Secretary.
  4. Note: Shareholder(s), director(s) and Corporate Secretary can be the same individual person or a corporate entity.


  1. No minimum Paid Up capital
  2. Marshall Island’s corporations are statutorily exempt from any corporate tax, income tax, withholding tax, asset tax, and stamp duty or exchanges controls.
  3. No annual accounts reporting or auditing is required